Sarnelli House 2013 Narrative Report
We received the Annual Narrative report 2013 from the Sarnelli House - one of the charity organization supported by the Bangkok Gentlemen Spoofers Charity Fund for Underprivileged Children of Thailand.
As we always make sure that every single Baht from our fund is going to the children, we are choosing our charity projects carefully. As we are fully transparent with our bookkeeping so is Sarnelli House.
Here is their annual report, budget 2014, received 2013 and revenue & expense 2013 sheets. Please take some time and read to report. Sarnelli house is doing an awesome job with the children.
Narrative Report 2013
 Page1 (.pdf)   Page2 (.pdf)   Page3 (.pdf)   Page4 (.pdf)
Revenue Expenses 2013
Recieved 2013
Budget 2014
Progress report of the chicken coop